Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sidney's latest commentary

Okay, we're in bed (Mom, Dad and Sidney snuggling, the boys are asleep). We see a preview for a show on TLC - Toddler's and Tiaras. It's about little kids and their parents who push them into beauty contests.

Anyway, one of the highlights on the commercial was a mom shaving her 7 year-old's legs. Lynn audibly gasps, and Sidney wonders what was wrong. Lynn says: "She's shaving her legs at 7!!"

Sidney's response? "A.M.?"

Hug it and Love it. LOL (Sidney asked me to put that here)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jaxon's Present for Sidney

Sid turns the big 9 tomorrow (Feb. 15th).  Grandma Cosmo came down from Fargo to celebrate, and we had a little cake last night to kick off the festivities (yes, Sidney's birthday is a full weekend event).

In the middle of the celebration, Jaxon decided he wanted to give Sidney a present as well.  And, what better present than, well, himself (yep, that's wrapping paper).  Just what any 9 year-old girl would want - an annoying little brother!

Monday, February 2, 2009

A long weekend for one little boy....

I was making lunch for Carter and the two other boys I watch for daycare and they were all being very crabby today. ....must have all stayed up too late last night watching football.  Carter was being especially quiet during this time.  This means one of two things....1) he was doing something he knows that he wasn't suppose to be doing or 2) he was asleep.  Below is how I found him.......

Yes, he is standing up sleeping!!!  Needless to say, he slept well for nap time today....which makes mom very happy!!! :)

We do have two other children, they are still around, but they really haven't been up to much lately.  Saturday they play basketball so we will get them in action!  Until then......